Sutton Group Lakefront Realty awarded $350 to the Bubble Man, a.k.a. Geoff Akins, as part of its sponsorship program Aug. 20, 2020. (Contributed)

Sutton Group Lakefront Realty awarded $350 to the Bubble Man, a.k.a. Geoff Akins, as part of its sponsorship program Aug. 20, 2020. (Contributed)

Vernon Realtors boost act to bubble up morale in COVID-19

Sutton Group - Lakefront Realty sponsors Bubble Man to continue online bubble shows

  • Sep. 3, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Bubble Man has been awarded $375 for his ability to adapt and persevere amidst the challenges and rapid evolving changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sutton Group Lakefront Realty awarded the cheque to Geoff Akins as part of it’s sponsorship program.

Realtors donate regularly to the fund awarded quarterly. The team welcomes nominations of people who are trying to better themselves and society, and this quarter, Akins was the selected as he adapted his live show to a digital version to spread joy through the art of bubbles.

Pandemic or not, Lakefront Realty said Akins message remains the same: “with determination, a person can accomplish what is seemingly impossible.”

“Geoff tours North America with his inspirational show using bubbles,” Sutton Group Lakefront Realty office manager Tara Sopel said.

“He starts out basic but progresses into more difficult bubble shapes to show his audience that when he puts his mind to it and with a little patience and persistence, he can make a square bubble. Yes, a square bubble! The moral of his show is ‘don’t give up and keep trying.'”

Akins visited the Vernon office Aug. 20 to collect his prize and treat the realty team to a spontaneous bubble show.

He said he plans to use the funds to host more shows online which he began experimenting with when COVID-19 regulations ceased live performances and large gatherings in March.

Sopel said the Bubble Man sets his screen up so he too can see his audience and interact with them.

“With everything going on, it is great to see that there are people out there trying to help keep the morale of others up,” Sopel said.

“We wish Geoff much success in his bubble shows.”

To nominate an individual or group for the sponsorship program, visit, or nominate via phone, 250-549-3944, or on Facebook.

Please outline what the nominee does and what they wish to accomplish. A panel of Realtors reviews the nominees then, each quarter, they vote to award a sponsorship of $250 or more.

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Vernon Morning Star