Vernon titles a contradiction: mayor

Vernon titles a contradiction: mayor

Vernon was named ninth most dangerous, 18th most romantic and a top honeymoon spot over six months

  • Apr. 23, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Vernon, as of late, has made it onto several desirable, and one not-so-desirable, top lists.

Mayor Akbal Mund, however, questions their legitimacy as one ranking seemingly contradicts the others.

“I just shake my head and say, “OK,” Mund said.

According to a crime severity index compiled by Maclean’s magazine in November, Vernon came in hot as the ninth most dangerous city in the country.

To help remove the doom and gloom, Amazon named Vernon Canada’s 18th most romantic city based on the sales of romance novels, relationship books, romantic comedies, jewelry and sexual wellness products in February.

And, in a similar vein, Vernon landed on’s list of the top 18 honeymoon destinations across the globe last week.

As to what it all means, Mund believes the answer is little.

“We’re named as one of the least safe places and the honeymoon capital,” Mund scoffed.

“That makes no sense to me. It’s nice to have that (honeymoon) title, but how important is that title.”

Parker Crook | Reporter


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