Victoria police recently seized more than $52,000 in street drugs, including these blocks of heroin.

Victoria police recently seized more than $52,000 in street drugs, including these blocks of heroin.

Victoria dial-a-dope operation ends with police raid

Police recently clamped down hard on a dial-a-dope operation by seizing more than $52,000 in drugs destined for the streets of Victoria.

Victoria Strike Force officers targeted the 1400-block of Fort St. after tenants in an apartment building complained.

A search of apartment suites in the building as well as a vehicle on June 8 uncovered large quantities of drugs – 107 grams of heroin, 140 grams of soft cocaine and 160 grams of rock cocaine or crack – some of which police say was packaged and ready to be sold.

Police are recommending a 20-year-old Victoria man and a 25-year-old Vancouver man each be charged with possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking. The suspects were released by police on a summons to appear in court at a future date.



Victoria News