People clap on their balconies in Vancouver to applaud front line health-care workers. The tradition has now come to parts of Abbotsford. (Canadian Press photo)

People clap on their balconies in Vancouver to applaud front line health-care workers. The tradition has now come to parts of Abbotsford. (Canadian Press photo)

VIDEO: Auguston residents, Abbotsford Police Department join 7 p.m. salute

Nightly applause & recognition of frontline health-care & emergency service workers in Abbotsford

Abbotsford residents are joining much of the rest of the province in the 7 p.m. salute to health-care workers.

It’s a practice that became commonplace in Italy, which has recorded more deaths from the novel coronavirus than anywhere else and has now taken hold in British Columbia.

Videos began circulating last week of many people getting out on their balconies in Vancouver, and that trend has begun to spread throughout B.C.

Auguston resident Kim O’Sullivan sent The News video of her neighbourhood’s salute, which has now been going on for several days.

The Abbotsford Police Department has also decided to join in, encouraging locals to recognize both frontline health-care and emergency services workers that have stepped up big time during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Has your neighbourhood joined in? Send photos or videos to to potentially be featured in a future video.

RELATED: PHOTOS: With a crash and a bang, B.C. residents applaud health-care workers

Abbotsford News