This black bear was caught on video playing with the water feature in South Okanagan West Kootenay MP Richard Cannings’ backyard on Sunday. (Twitter)

This black bear was caught on video playing with the water feature in South Okanagan West Kootenay MP Richard Cannings’ backyard on Sunday. (Twitter)

VIDEO: Black bear plays in B.C. MP’s bird bath

Richard Cannings shared a video of the bear playing with a water fountain

A black bear showed its playful side when visiting a local MPs backyard on Sunday morning.

South Okanagan-West Kootenay MP Richard Cannings posted a video to Twitter of a black bear playing with a water fountain in his backyard bird bath.

The bear is seen pawing and playing with the spouting water and then lying down in it. After a bit of play, the bear got up, shook of some water and wandered off.

This isn’t the first visit the local member of parliament has had from wildlife. He’s posted visits from black bears before that came to visit his rural Penticton property.

Cannings is head of the South Okanagan bird count and is a former biologist.

READ ALSO: MP Cannings calls for living wage for Canada’s scientists and researchers

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