Many of Proudfoot’s videos are shot using a GoPro camera giving a first-person view of how he works. (Screenshot from mr_tuna_music Instagram account.)

Many of Proudfoot’s videos are shot using a GoPro camera giving a first-person view of how he works. (Screenshot from mr_tuna_music Instagram account.)

VIDEO: Local Abbotsford electronic musician shows off jam-sessions

Truman Proudfoot has produced 56 albums and goes by the stage-name Mr. Tuna

  • Oct. 4, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Technology has really allowed the musical jam-session to evolve since the days of the rock-n-roll garage band – just ask Mr. Tuna.

Mr. Tuna is the stage-name for a local musician in Abbotsford named Truman Proudfoot. He’s been sharing his creative production process through videos on his Instagram account.

The account almost has 27,000 followers and features hundreds of videos of him creating music.

If you like what you hear, Proudfoot has produced 56 albums which can be downloaded at

Check out some of his short videos below:

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