(Glenmore Neighbours/Facebook)

VIDEO: Parade of ducklings stalls Glenmore traffic

Duck and ducklings trek across Glenmore, guided to pond by residents

  • May. 13, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Why did the ducks cross the road?

Nobody knows — but they did catch the attention of residents in Kelowna’s Glenmore area on May 5.

Several drivers stopped their cars on Porthill Road to let a mother duck and her nine ducklings safely cross.

They managed to waddle through the area to North Glenmore, eventually crossing Union Street.

One person posted it to a Glenmore neighbourhood Facebook group to thank those who stopped traffic to let the ducks pass without harm.

“She needed some coaxing to get going in the right direction of the pond and I am happy to report that they all made it safely.”

Mom and her ducklings eventually made it to a pond near Millard Glen Park, thanks to the help of the Glenmore community.

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