Gabriel George speaks during the official launch for Songs of Y-Ail-Mihth: the Ancient Singer on Saturday.

Gabriel George speaks during the official launch for Songs of Y-Ail-Mihth: the Ancient Singer on Saturday.

VIDEO: Skowkale community celebrates CD launch of Sepass poems

The official launch of CD 'Songs of Y-Ail-Mihth, the Ancient Singer' took place on Saturday

Above, Gabriel George speaks during the official launch for Songs of Y-Ail-Mihth: the Ancient Singer, a CD set featuring oral poems by Chief Billy Sepass of Skowkale on Saturday at Skowkale Community Hall.

George was the one who read the poems on the CD, which also includes an introduction by Shane Point and a foreword by Steven Point.

The CD set, along with a book of Sepass’ poems, can be purchased at Coqualeetza, or at

Related story: Sepass poems brought to life with CD launch in Chilliwack

Chilliwack Progress