Shattered glass marks the spot where thieves broke into the Langley Habitat for Humanity ReStore. It was discovered Monday, April 5 when staff arrived in the morning (Special to Langley Advance Times)

VIDEO: Stealing from charity: break in at Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Langley

An estimated $30,000 in merchandise was stolen over the Easter weekend managers said

When they arrived to open the non-profit Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Langley City on Monday morning, April 5, a shock awaited store managers Nadia Brigden and Tony Stark and their crew.

“We saw glass everywhere,” Stark told the Langley Advance Times.

Someone had managed to smash their way into the building over the Easter weekend, without triggering the store alarm system.

Brigden estimated about $30,000 in merchandise was taken.

“They mostly took tools and jackets,” Brigden said.

Stark predicted the final expenses could be even higher, once repairs and new security measures like bars on the windows and doors are factored in.

“We’re going to have to re-bar everything,” Stark predicted.

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Briden said it was the second time the store has been broken into since it opened.

In the previous incident last December, the thieves didn’t take very much, she recalled.

“They spent a lot of time in here unfortunately [when they broke in over the Easter weekend],” Brigden said, leaving a mess of shattered glass, pulled-out empty drawers and vacant shelves behind.

The store does have insurance, but Brigden was indignant about having to file a claim.

“It boggles my mind,” she commented.

“We’re just trying to help families and given them a hand up. “

“We’re a little naive to think no one will steal from a charity,” Stark commented.

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The 18,000 square foot building at 20104 Logan Ave., just off 200th Street and south of Highway 10, opened in July 2018.

Habitat for Humanity is a registered charity that raises funds by selling a mix of building supplies and furniture, to raise money that goes to help build housing for the needy.

It sells a mix of donor goods, end-of-inventory and returns to Habitat partners like Home Depot.

Anyone with information about the Langley break in is asked to contact police.

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Langley Advance Times


Nadia Brigden, manager of the Langley Habitat for Humanity Restore said the theft of $30,000 worth of merchandise ‘boggles’ her mind. It was discovered Monday, April 5 when staff arrived in the morning (Dan Ferguson/Langley Advance Times)