A loader’s back tires lift from the pavement as B.C. Transportation crews work to clear a rockslide from Highway 1 outside of Boston Bar on Monday morning. (Photo/B.C. Transportation)

VIDEO: Truck-sized boulder snarls traffic near Boston Bar

By mid morning, workers moved the boulder and got traffic moving again

  • Mar. 29, 2021 12:00 a.m.

In the wee hours of a recent Monday morning, a pickup-sized boulder slammed onto Highway 1 pavement near Hell’s Gate, tangling up traffic in both directions up the Fraser Canyon.

According to Drive B.C., the rockslide that had been there for a number of hours prior tied up mid-morning traffic on Monday (March 29) in the Boston Bar area north of the Hell’s Gate Tunnel. Workers could be seen moving a boulder that cleared the protective walls and landed square in the middle of the road.

Truck driver Mateo Yurkovic posted dashcam footage of the boulder in the road while it was still dark outside. He was able to drive around it, quickly signalling to oncoming traffic by flashing his brights about the danger in the road.

“Woohoo!” he can be heard exclaiming in surprise.

Before afternoon rolled around, Emil Anderson crews cleared the massive rock and began working to repair the damage it caused.

READ ALSO: Harrison Lake rock slide caught on camera

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B.C. Transportation workers acted quickly to remove a huge boulder from Highway 1, which impeded progress on the highway in both directions for at least an hour on Monday morning. (Photo/B.C. Transportation)

A boulder the size of a pickup truck disrupted traffing near Boston Bar along Highway 1. Emil Anderson workers were on the scene to push the boulder aside and repair the roadway. (Photo/Emil Anderson Maintenance)

The boulder that blocked off Highway 1 near Hell's Gate on Monday morning. Traffic resumed travel just before noon. (Photo/Emil Anderson Maintenance)