Rules for chopping down trees have been established in Lumby.

Rules for chopping down trees have been established in Lumby.

Village of Lumby plants tree removal policy

Rules for chopping down trees are taking root in Lumby.

Rules for chopping down trees are taking root in Lumby.

Council has adopted a policy that will address the maintenance and removal of trees.

“We had no policy on unsafe trees — what can be removed, what can’t be removed,” said Mayor Kevin Acton.

The issue arose after trees were taken down at the Lumby Campground and some residents expressed concern.

“Trees are a huge issue in the community,” said Acton.

In 1992, the provincial government amended legislation to allow municipalities to approve local tree protection policies.

“The Village of Lumby receives several requests each year from residents who want the village to remove trees for many different reasons,” said Roger Huston, public works superintendent, in a report.

“Some residents request removal because they do not like to rake leaves or to improve a view. But, some residents do not want any trees removed for any reason whatsoever.”

Huston believes the policy will clarify the decision-making  process for removal and maintenance so it is consistent.

“Research for the development of this policy was derived from evaluation of other existing local government tree policies, interviews and discussions with several municipal parks managers, arborists and horticulturists including best practices,” he said.

A permit will be required before a tree is removed.

“We want to know what’s going on and we want to be informed,” said Acton.

“Someone falling trees can change the course of a creek because of bank erosion.”


Vernon Morning Star