The village hopes there will be no difficulties removing the parcels of land from the ALR. Photo: Crystal Schick

The village hopes there will be no difficulties removing the parcels of land from the ALR. Photo: Crystal Schick

Village of Nakusp looks to remove land from ALR around airport

The move will make it easier for the village to develop the land down the road

  • Sep. 22, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Village of Nakusp council has decided to proceed with an application to remove three sections of land around the airport from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR).

Nakusp chief administrative officer Cheryl Martens said the move would make it easier to develop commercial areas on the land.

“We want locals to be able to establish their businesses there. Forestry businesses are one type of business that could benefit.”

“However, we haven’t put a ton of planning into it yet because we don’t know if our application will be improved.”

While the village owns the land, Martens admits trying to develop it under its current ALR status would be time consuming and difficult.

The land is currently being used for some of the airport’s operations and serves as a drop-off and take-off area for helicopters.

Before the application is completed, a public hearing will also have to be held for local residents.

Martens started to work on the village’s application this week and it’s not known exactly when it could be approved.

RELATED STORY: Village of Nakusp looks to expand boundary limits

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