A resident who lives on the 800-block of Eleventh Ave. East is warning neighbours of two wolf sightings in two days.
The resident who lives on the street took a video of the wolf on Wednesday morning around 9:30a.m. On Thursday, at 4 p.m. she saw another wolf, which she believes to be the same one.
She said the wolf tried to cross the street but turned back after vehicles spotted him and slowed down to take a look.
“He lurked around for about ten minutes before retreating into the woods,” she said of the first sighting on Wednesday.
On Thursday, the wolf was once again roaming the street before disappearing back into the bushes behind her house.
The woman did not report the wolf to the conservation officer because her house is “in the backyard” of where they live and the conservation website says only to report a spotting if it is an interference that would cause an issue to public safety.
She said she just wants residents in the area to be aware of the sighting so they do not let their children or dogs out unattended.
The resident said in six years she has seen around four wolves come into the area that late in the afternoon. All of those incidents were also during the fall season.
READ MORE: Dog killed in wolf attack in Port Edward
READ MORE: Port Edward council updates on wolf attacks
Jenna Cocullo | Journalist
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