A police officer aims a radar gun at oncoming traffic during a school-zone speed trap traffic blitz outside Peace Arch Elementary in 2017. (File photo)

A police officer aims a radar gun at oncoming traffic during a school-zone speed trap traffic blitz outside Peace Arch Elementary in 2017. (File photo)

Watch your speed: Local RCMP remind drivers to slow down in school zones

Issue is ongoing a few weeks into the school year, spokesperson says

  • Oct. 4, 2020 12:00 a.m.

With school in session and life getting busier, it’s important to remember to slow down – especially in school zones.

Agassiz RCMP spokesperson Sgt. Mike Sargent said over the past few weeks since school began, officers continue to see motorists speeding through school zones in the community.

“It is imperative that motorists be mindful of their speed within school zones for the overall safety of the children, parents, school staff and general public,” Sargent said in a statement. “Every school day, unless otherwise posted, a 30 kilometre per hour speed limit is in effect in school zones from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. In playground zones, a 30 kilometre per hour speed limit is effect every day from dawn to dusk.”

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RELATED: A ‘friendly reminder’ from police about speeding in school zones

Sargent additionally reminded drivers coming through Agassiz-Harrison to leave their phones and other devices alone and to keep a sharp eye out for children walking or cycling.

“Distraction is the leading factor for drivers in crashes involving pedestrians and cyclists,” Sargent said. “Watch for school buses. When their lights are flashing, vehicles approaching from both directions must stop.”

According to ICBC, drivers speeding through a school or construction zone could be slapped with fines ranging from $196 to $483.

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