West Kelowna City Hall has sent out its 11th annual Citizen’s Survey. —Image: City of West Kelowna

West Kelowna City Hall has sent out its 11th annual Citizen’s Survey. —Image: City of West Kelowna

West Kelowna sends out its annual Citizen’s Survey

The 11th annual survey has been sent to 1,000 select homes in the city

The survey’s in the mail.

The eleventh annual West Kelowna Citizens’ Survey has been sent out to 1,000 randomly-selected residents in the city, and they will have until Friday, three weeks to respond.

The survey is one of the tools West Kelowna council uses in setting its priorities for the municipality during annual budget deliberations. The findings from the survey provide statistically-accurate information about how taxpayers of West Kelowna evaluate municipal services.

Residents are asked to comment on the quality and importance of a variety of services. The data is then broken down into a graph that clearly indicates when a larger than normal discrepancy exists between service level and importance and whether a service exceeds, meets or falls short of taxpayers’ expectations, says city staff.

With 10 years of results now available, trends can be observed on what services may be declining or increasing in quality.

As in previous years, the 2018 survey was created by city staff, with just printing and mailing costs incurred. Similar polls conducted by outside companies for municipalities can cost thousands of dollars, says the city.

The deadline for returning completed surveys is June 29.

If you didn’t receive a survey in the mail and would like to participate, you can obtain a copy by visiting the city’s website, westkelownacity.ca/citizenssurvey, or pick one up at municipal hall, 2760 Cameron Road, West Kelowna.

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