This was the first full year in office for the newly elected Revelstoke city council. (Jocelyn Doll - Revelstoke Review)

This was the first full year in office for the newly elected Revelstoke city council. (Jocelyn Doll - Revelstoke Review)

What did Revelstoke City Council get up to in 2019?

A look back on local government decisions this year

  • Dec. 28, 2019 12:00 a.m.

It was first full year for the newly elected Revelstoke city council — Cody Younker, Nicole Cherlet, Rob Elliot, Steven Cross, Michael Brooks-Hill and Jackie Rhind — headed up by Mayor Gary Sulz.

Here are some of the things council made happen this year:

Affordable housing

City council approved re-allocating the Online Accommodation Platform portion of the Municipal and Regional District Tax to affordable housing initiatives.

READ MORE: Revelstoke to use part of visitor accommodation tax revenue for affordable housing

Arena roof grant

City council approved an application for grant money to replace the arena roof.

Property tax increase

City council approved a 4.5 per cent property tax increase. The increase included funds for several new positions including an additional part time staff person in Victim’s Services, an additional bylaw officer, a summer student in the IT department and a manager of development services.

READ MORE: Revelstoke’s draft budget would mean a 4.5 per cent property tax increase

Art Alleries

City council approved the Art Alleries project, which is now a permanent fixture.

Building inspections

City council approved an amendment to the Building Amendment Bylaw, allowing developers to hire outside, registered professional building inspectors to oversee their projects.

READ MORE: Revelstoke City Council votes to accept building inspections from out-of-house professionals

Caribou recovery

The city submitted a response to the BC Ministry of Forests regarding the Provincial Caribou Recovery Program. Their letter called for great transparency and community engagement.

READ MORE: City of Revelstoke submits feedback on Caribou Recovery Plan last week

Strategic plan

City council released their strategic plan. Their mission statement: “To deliver municipal services and responsible governance for citizens of Revelstoke while managing public assets and fostering the economic, social and environmental well-being of the community.”

READ MORE: Revelstoke City Council releases strategic plan

UBCM resolution

City council put forward a recommendation on food insecurity to the Union of B.C. Municipalities.

READ MORE: Revelstoke City Council wants to talk about food insecurity at UBCM

Water tender

Revelstoke Fire Rescue Services purchased a water tender, with funds from the CSRD.

READ MORE: City purchases water tender for CSRD fire protection

CAO and director of engineering

City council hired a new chief administration officer along with a new director of engineering, replacing Alan Chabot and Mike Thomas who were placed on paid leave and then resigned.

READ MORE: Former CAO and director of engineering resignation cost Revelstoke over $300,000

Gravel quarry

City council voted to send a letter not support an application for a gravel quarry on Crown Land on Westside Road.

READ MORE: Revelstoke City Council opposed to proposed gravel pits north of town

Protection of Jordan River

City council requested that updates to the Official Community Plan include protection of the Jordan River area.

Chiller upgrade

Council approved the expenditure of $323,650 plus applicable taxes to upgrade the refrigeration chiller at the arena.

Library project

Council approved a grant of $50,000 from the Community Forestry Corporation dividend fund for the Okanagan Regional Library’s RevLab project.

Mackenzie Village Phase 2

City council issued a development permit for Phase 2 of Mackenzie Village.

Updating the OCP

City council approved a public engagement process to update the Official Community Plan.

Harm reduction

City council applied to the Community Action Initiative Community Wellness and Harm Reduction Program for Municipalities to develop a community-wide harm reduction strategy.

Wastewater treatment plant purchase

City council approved the purchase of a $479,300 mechanical bar screen for the city’s wastewater treatment plant.

Vactor truck

City council approved the purchase of a Single Engine Driven Centrifugal/Sewer Cleaner mounted on a heavy-duty truck chassis for $381,741.

READ MORE:City of Revelstoke purchasing new vactor truck

Community Amenity Contribution Bylaw

Council requested that city staff bring forward a report outlining costs, timelines and legalities around initiating a Community Amenity Contribution Bylaw.


City council requested that the 2020-2025 draft budget include raises to council and the mayor, for consideration.

Temporary Use Permits

City council approved an amendment to the zoning bylaw that will allow for Temporary Use Permits.

READ MORE: Revelstoke City Council approves Temporary Use Permits

Minimum residential unit size

City council approved an amendment to the zoning bylaw that removes the minimum residential unit size requirement.

READ MORE: Revelstoke City Council to remove minimum home sizes

Oscar Street housing

City council approved the development permit for the Revelstoke Community Housing Society’s project on Oscar Street.

READ MORE: City approves 24 unit affordable housing project


The story previously stated: City council approved the use of Resort Municipality Initiative funds to purchase two ski shuttle buses for $400,000 over three years. Which is true, however, the purchase was put on hold due to a review of the Transit system.


@JDoll_Revyjocelyn.doll@revelstokereview.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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