White Rock waterfront access ramps to be upgraded

Council uses contingency funds to set work in motion

White Rock council has approved additional funding from the city’s capital contingency budget so that reconstruction of waterfront accessibility ramps can be completed this year.

The item before council at its May 10 regular meeting called for reconstruction of existing ramps at Cypress Street (East Beach) and at Bay Street (West Beach).

Even with the recommended award of the work to low-bidder GPM Civil Contracting Inc. (at $224,920), however, the cost of the work for both ramps is still over the budgeted amount by some $140,000.

It was recommended that council direct staff to take this amount from the capital contingency in the 2021 Financial Plan, so that work could begin for both ramps on July 12, with completion expected by the week of Aug. 9, weather permitting.

A report from engineering and municipal operations manager Jim Gordon said both ramps had been damaged by 2020-21 storms and “pose mobility challenges to users with wheelchairs, scooters and strollers.”

Gordon noted that White Rock Fire Department also uses the Bay Street ramp for launching emergency vessels, and that by rehabilitating both ramps, the city will be providing beach access for all users as well as shortening boat launching time during emergencies.

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