Glen Arbor’s board of directors hope to see the seniors housing complex in Williams Lake expand to include an additional 21 units.
During it regular meeting Tuesday, Dec. 1, Williams Lake city council voted unanimously in favour of writing a letter of support for a funding application from Glen Arbor.
“It’s a great opportunity,” said Coun. Scott Nelson.
Coun. Sheila Boehm agreed, adding the additional housing is needed.
As Mayor Walt Cobb is the president of the Glen Arbor Cariboo Park Home Society, he left the room for council’s discussion of the item for a perceived conflict of interest.
Glen Arbor presently has 34 units with one and two bedroom suites.
Located at 564 Oliver Street it is close to downtown and next to city hall.
Earlier this summer Cobb said the plan to expand the number of units had been in the works for a long time.
Read more: Ruptured sprinkler system forces Glen Arbor residents to evacuate for the third time
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