So far it looks like a green Christmas in Williams Lake with only a slight dusting of snow here and there as of the morning of Dec. 24 in Boitanio Park. Monica Lamb-Yorski photo

So far it looks like a green Christmas in Williams Lake with only a slight dusting of snow here and there as of the morning of Dec. 24 in Boitanio Park. Monica Lamb-Yorski photo

Williams Lake could be getting a green Christmas

There is no snow in the forecast for Christmas day

It’s the morning of Christmas Eve and it looks like Williams Lake is going to have a green Christmas.

Environment Canada notes there will be a few snow flurries ending near noon then a mix of sun and cloud, with two centimetres of snow expected to fall near the Cariboo mountains.

There will be highs of zero and a wind chill of -9C in the morning.

Monday evening will be partly cloudy with winds up to 15 km/h and a low of -9C down and a wind chill of -14C overnight.

For Christmas day the forecast shows a mix of sun and cloud, with winds up to 15 km/h and a high of -4C.

On Saturday when snow began to fall in the afternoon it was wintery for about an hour, but the snow fall ended up being minimal with less than a centimetre falling.

It was, however, enough to make driving conditions slippery on roads in the area.

Central Cariboo Search and Rescue Chief Rick White said his crews were dispatched to six motor vehicle incident calls in less than 24 hours.

“We went to three on Saturday and the three we were called to on Sunday were in Alexis Creek and two on the Horsefly Road but for those Sunday calls we were told to stand down,” White said.

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On Monday morning, Williams Lake residents woke up to another light dusting of snow, but the roads in town were clear by 10 a.m.

Drivebc is noting compact snow between Likely Road and Horsefly Lake Road for 47.4 km — two kilometres west of Dugan Lake to one kilometre east of Horsefly.

Drivers are cautioned to watch for slippery sections.

On Highway 97 there is compact snow between Butler Road and Blue Lake Road for 70.6 km in areas from 29 kilometres south of 150 Mile House to 11 kilometres north of Wildwood.

There is compact snow on Highway 20 between Williams Lake and Anahim Lake.

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