The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure said once seasonal load restrictions are lifted its contractor will address the bump on Highway 20 in Williams Lake. (Ben Lamb-Yorski photo)

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure said once seasonal load restrictions are lifted its contractor will address the bump on Highway 20 in Williams Lake. (Ben Lamb-Yorski photo)

Williams Lake Highway 20 bump to be repaired once seasonal load restrictions are lifted

A historical slide area is actively causing ripples in the road

They are back — the bump on Highway 20 in Williams Lake and the slide beside Dog Creek Road just up from Highway 20.

For several weeks the bump on Highway 20 has been expanding and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure confirmed there has been some movement of ground in the area resulting in pavement distortion.

“The bump on Highway 20 in Williams Lake is part of an historical slide complex,” a spokesperson for the ministry said.

While the highway is safe to drive on, signage has been placed at the site letting drivers know they need to slow down.

“Work on this section of Highway 20 will take place after the seasonal load restrictions are removed and the paving plants are started up for the season – none of the paving plants have fired up yet, as weather is a factor,” the spokesperson added. “Many seasonal load restrictions remain in effect in the Cariboo. These are weather dependent, but historically it’s early June before the majority of them are rescinded for the Cariboo.”

While there are no load restrictions at the Highway 20 bump, the majority of the provincial side roads that connect to Highway 97 and 20 in the Central Cariboo are still restricted. has a listing of restrictions.

Meanwhile, the slide on the west side of Dog Creek Road just up from Highway 20 has also been active again.

The City’s director of municipal services Gary Muraca said Dawson has already removed some debris from the area.

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