As winter gets underway the city is reminding residents of its snow and icy policy and the role residents have in clearing sidewalks and keeping vehicles and carts off the street when snow plows are in the area. (Monica Lamb-Yorski file photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Williams Lake reminds residents of snow and ice policy requirements

Clearing of snow and ice from sidewalks is responsiblity of property owners

While the city has not made any changes to its snow and ice policy for Williams Lake, staff shared information Tuesday to remind residents of how the policy works.

Part of that policy asks the public not to park along sides of roads during snow clearing if possible. Vehicles that impede snow removal may be towed at the owner’s expense.

Additionally, residents are asked to put garbage and recycling carts out at 7 a.m. on the day of collection and put them away by 7 p.m. the same day.

Property owners are responsible to clear snow and ice from sidewalks,

Manager of public works Mark Sutherland is asking where possible that people consider offering assistance to any neighbours that might need it.

“As well, unmaintained sidewalks could result in a fine, so please make arrangements in advance if you are going away this winter to ensure they are kept clear,” Sutherland said.

Please avoid piling snow onto the road, as it can remove sand and/or salt placed there for safety. Clearing large amounts of snow from driveways onto the street is prohibited and should be limited to a patch no larger than 1 metre wide to avoid penalties.

The Williams Lake Fire Department also asks that property owners do not pile snow around fire hydrants to ensure quick and easy access during an emergency.

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