A ceremony was held Friday evening in Williams Lake on the school grounds of Lake City Secondary School Williams Lake campus by Williams Lake First Nation leadership to honour the victims of Canada’s residential school system. (Rebecca Dyok photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Williams Lake schools to lower flags, staff encouraged to wear orange Monday, May 31

Staff asked to be present and supportive of those affected by trauma of residential school system

The Ministry of Education has asked all schools in B.C. to lower Canadian flags to half-mast until further notice out.

The request is meant as a sign of respect following news of the discovery of the remains of 215 children who were students at the former Kamloops residential school, noted SD27 in a statement released on behalf of Dean Coder, director of instruction for SD27.

“To also support the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc peoples, we want to encourage School District No. 27 staff to wear orange (Monday), May 31, and to be present and supportive of those who continue to be affected with the trauma of the residential school system,” noted the statement.

Read More: Flags lowered in Williams Lake to honour and remember 215 lives lost at residential school

Read More: Indigenous communities rocked by Kamloops residential school burial discovery

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Williams Lake Tribune