Williams Lake has added some streets to its 2020 paving plan that city council approved at the Tuesday regular meeting. (City of Williams Lake file image)

Williams Lake has added some streets to its 2020 paving plan that city council approved at the Tuesday regular meeting. (City of Williams Lake file image)

Williams Lake’s 2020 road rehabilitation work scheduled to begin in September

Some new streets have been added to original plan

Paving in Williams Lake will get underway in September, with some new streets added to the original 2020 pavement rehabilitation plan.

Mayor Walt Cobb said during the Tuesday, Aug. 11 council meeting that the paving budget came in less than anticipated and the City was able to use $408,000 toward some extra streets.

“We are going to spend what we budgeted for, but the original estimate came in less than what we had budgeted for so we are using that money while we’ve got the paving company here to get as many streets done as we possibly can.”

In May the City awarded the contract to Key-West Asphalt Ltd. of Surrey. It will be the first time the company does work in the lakecity.

Read more: Williams Lake approves $579,936 paving contract, still has more to expend on road rehabilitation

Streets slated for the ‘mill and fill’ work are Midnight Drive from Moxon to Western, Moon Avenue from Midnight to Boundary and Twelfth Avenue.

Mill and fill is when the existing surface layer is moved with a milling machine and new asphalt is used to replace that surface layer.

New streets added to the plan are portions of Pigeon Street, a remaining portion of Twelfth Avenue, Moxon Street, Slater Street, Second Avenue, Atwood and Ogden.

The additional streets were selected based on the City’s most recent pavement condition assessment, the City’s director of planning and development Hasib Nadiv noted in a report to city council, noting it adds approximately 40 per cent additional streets to the current paving year.

Cobb said there is more work that needs to be done.

“We are looking at recapping and rejuvenating as many streets as we can. There are a number of streets that we have to rebuild and the rebuild price is usually three to four times more than just capping.”

The paving work will begin the first week of September and is expected to be completed mid-October.

A budget of $1,115,568 was approved for all street improvements in 2020.

Chief administrative officer Milo MacDonald praised the City’s senior engineering technologist Jeff Bernardy as the ‘unsung hero’ for finding the savings to do the extra streets in 2020.

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