A weather station above Rogers Pass in Glacier National Park recorded gusts above 180 km/h today.
Even outside the park, the wind was so strong that lifts at Revelstoke Mountain Resort were closed.
Highway 1 over Rogers Pass yesterday. (Facebook) |
According to an avalanche report from Avalanche Canada for the area around Revelstoke, the strong winds, combined with intense snowfall and warm temperatures are creating dangerous avalanche conditions. There was a heavy snowfall warning issued by Environment Canada the last few days, where up to 25 cm was expected to fall.
Parks Canada forecasted extreme avalanche conditions in Glacier National Park today. Highway 1 over Rogers Pass was closed for most of the day due to avalanche control. DriveBC is saying the highway is now open, but to expect heavy congestion, pooling water and slush.
By 4 p.m., winds above Rogers Pass had died down to gusts over 40 km/hr. For the entire day, wind direction was southerly.
READ MORE: High avalanche risk around Revelstoke
READ MORE: Closing to the east, closing to west: Soon to be Revelstuck