Police and bystanders lifted a car to free a 72-year-old woman trapped underneath on Saturday at the top of Rutherford hill. GOOGLE STREETVIEW image

Police and bystanders lifted a car to free a 72-year-old woman trapped underneath on Saturday at the top of Rutherford hill. GOOGLE STREETVIEW image

Woman run over by car a ‘poster girl for bike helmets’

Couple thanks community after bystanders, police lift up car at accident scene

The senior who was pinned under a car wouldn’t be alive without the strength shown by those who came to her rescue, says her husband.

Ron Surgenor, wife of 72-year-old Claire Surgenor, who was struck by a car June 9 at the top of Rutherford hill, is expressing his thanks to the community.

Claire had fallen from her bicycle on Rutherford Road and was sitting on the sidewalk when a vehicle coming out of a commercial centre ran her over. Seven people, including bystanders and police, were able to lift the vehicle to free Claire.

UPDATE: Police officers, bystanders lift car to free woman trapped underneath

“There’s nothing we can say except a 1,000 thank yous, because within minutes, my wife would have died there, there’s no question in my mind, because she couldn’t get a breath,” said Ron. “The moment [they] got her out, she took this great big breath and her consciousness came back.”

Ron said Claire is black and blue and has aches and pains, but beyond that, suffered not much more than a fractured rib. He raved about the medical care his wife received: “the nurse, the ambulance people and the terrific care she got in Nanaimo emergency, the terrific trauma team there that just took charge of everything.”

Ron said although Claire will be OK physically, she’s been struggling mentally since the accident and re-playing it in her head.

He doesn’t think she’ll ever ride a bike again. Her helmet was crushed into three or four pieces, Ron said, marvelling that Claire avoided any brain, skull or neck injury.

“I keep telling her, she’s the poster girl for bike helmets,” he said. “Without a doubt in my mind, whatever crushed that helmet would’ve crushed her skull if she didn’t have a helmet.”

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