Morgan Sales receiving her bursary award from Alison Scott, Courtenay Chapter of P.E.O.Photo submitted

Morgan Sales receiving her bursary award from Alison Scott, Courtenay Chapter of P.E.O.Photo submitted

Women helping women reach for the stars

The P.E.O. Sisterhood founded in 1869 is a Philanthropic and Educational Organization bringing increased opportunities for higher education to all women.

  • May. 23, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The P.E.O. Sisterhood founded in 1869 is a Philanthropic and Educational Organization bringing increased opportunities for higher education to all women.

There are approximately 6,000 local chapters in Canada and the US with nearly 250,000 active members.

Our P.E.O. Projects include:

E.L.F. Educational Loan Fund. Loans available to qualified women who desire higher education and are in need of financial assistance.

STAR Scholarship. To exceptional high school graduating women to attend accredited post-secondary educational institutions.

Scholar Awards. Based on merit, for women who are pursuing a doctoral level degree at an accredited college or university.

P.C.E. Program for Continuing Education Grants for women whose education has been interrupted and who find it necessary to return to school to support themselves and/or their families.

Chapter BM Bursary. Available to any high school graduate with a learning disability who plans to attend post-secondary education, training program or apprenticeship. Not available to anyone who already has government funding

If you know of a women who may benefit from our help please contact: Alison Scott at 250-339-6854 or email

Comox Valley Record