Work will soon begin on a passing lane near Jaffray, according to the provincial government. Photo courtesy Government of B.C.

Work will soon begin on a passing lane near Jaffray, according to the provincial government. Photo courtesy Government of B.C.

Work set to begin on passing lane near Jaffray

The province says work will soon begin on a westbound passing lane on Highway 3 outside Jaffray.

The province says work will soon begin on a westbound passing lane on Highway 3 outside Jaffray.

The new passing lane will allow drivers to pass slower-moving vehicles, and will also feature a two-metre wide paved shoulder to improve cyclist safety. A wildlife tunnel and wildlife-exclusion fencing will also be installed to prevent collisions with ungulates and other creatures.

The construction contract was awarded to Bad Ventures Ltd of Cranbrook, and work is expected to begin shortly, wrapping up by 2021. The $9.2 million project is being funded with a $3 million contribution from the federal government, while the $6.2 million remainder is coming from the province.

The passing lane was identified as a priority through the Highway3 Mayors and Chairs Coalition, which advocates for infrastructure improvements along the route between Hope and the Alberta border. According to the province, more than 4,600 vehicles daily use the route on the highway section near Jaffray, which increases to 5,400 in the summer months.

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