WorkSafe B.C. still looking for answers in Babine Forest Products investigation

The investigation into the Babine Forest Products tragedy is one of the largest in WorkSafe B.C. history.

  • Jul. 17, 2012 5:00 a.m.

According to Scott McCloy, WorkSafe B.C.’s director of communications, the investigation into the Babine Forest Products tragedy is one of the largest in WorkSafe B.C. history.

He said the investigation into the Jan. 20, 2012 explosion and fire that completely destroyed the mill, resulting in two local men passing away and injuring 19 people, is still on going.

McCloy said, “Our investigation is on going with all possible speed and care. As such, there is not a lot we can disclose at this time until we publish the investigation report, which our hope is to be released before the year end.”

He said the investigation continues to be open and active since the explosion occurred just over five months ago.

A number of Lower Mainland laboratories have been contracted to conduct mechanical, electrical, chemical, metallurgical and gas component testing of evidence taken from the mill site and testing of the dust seized from the site is still underway at a U.S. laboratory.

“The lab testing of the Babine Forest Products dust samples is expected to be completed this summer,” he said.

According to McCloy, once the laboratory results are received by WorkSafe B.C., completion of the investigation will require the analysis of all witness statements, records and any other relevant data to identify the underlying and causal factors of the explosion.


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