The coffin of Captain Sir Tom Moore is carried by members of the Armed Forces during his funeral, at Bedford Crematorium, in Bedford, England, Saturday, Feb. 27, 2021. (Joe Giddens/Pool Photo via AP)

WWII plane fly-past honours U.K. Captain Tom Moore at his funeral

The 100-year old's charity walk raised almost $46 million for Britain's health service last year

  • Feb. 27, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Church bells rang out and a World War II-era plane flew Saturday over the funeral service of Captain Tom Moore to honour of the veteran who single-handedly raised millions of pounds for Britain’s health workers by walking laps in his backyard.

Soldiers performed ceremonial duties at the service for the 100-year-old Moore, whose charity walk inspired the nation and raised almost 33 million pounds ($46 million) for Britain’s National Health Service last year. Captain Tom, as he became known, died Feb. 2 in the hospital after testing positive for COVID-19.

The private service was small, attended by just eight members of the veteran’s immediate family. But soldiers carried his coffin, draped in the Union flag, from the hearse to a crematorium and formed a ceremonial guard. Others performed a gun salute, before a C-47 Dakota military transport plane flew past.

“Daddy, you always told us ‘Best foot forward’ and true to your word, that’s what you did last year,” Moore’s daughter Lucy Teixeira said at the service. “I know you will be watching us chuckling, saying ‘Don’t be too sad as something has to get you in the end.'”

His other daughter, Hannah Ingram-Moore, said the world was “enthralled” by her father’s “spirt of hope, positivity and resilience.”

“They, too, saw your belief in kindness and the fundamental goodness of the human spirit,” she said.

A version of the song “Smile,” recorded for the funeral by singer Michael Bublé, was played, as well as “My Way” by Frank Sinatra, as requested by Moore. A bugler sounded “The Last Post” to close the service.

A church in Bedfordshire, where the family is based, rang its bell 100 times in Moore’s honour.

Moore, who served in India, Burma and Sumatra during World War II, set out to raise a modest 1,000 pounds for Britain’s NHS by walking 100 laps of his backyard by his 100th birthday last year. But donations poured in from across Britain and beyond as his quest went viral, catching the imagination of millions stuck at home during the first wave of the pandemic.

His positive attitude – “Please remember, tomorrow will be a good day” became his trademark phrase – inspired the nation at a time of crisis. Prime Minister Boris Johnson described him as a “hero in the truest sense of the word.?

He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in July in a socially distanced ceremony at Windsor Castle, west of London.

READ MORE: 101-year-old Vancouver Island man to walk 101 laps for charity

Abbotsford News


A view of the Order of Service for the funeral of Captain Tom Moore at Bedford Crematorium, in Bedford, England, Saturday, Feb. 27, 2021. (Joe Giddens/Pool Photo via AP)