About 110 people of all ages lined the bridge on Friday for a climate march. See more photos below. Photo submitted

About 110 people of all ages lined the bridge on Friday for a climate march. See more photos below. Photo submitted

Youth climate march lines Nelson’s bridge

About 110 people of all ages turned out Friday for the international event (see more photos below)

Oscar Hunter said he found the youth climate march on Friday motivating.

“I’m feeling very, very satisfied at this event and how many people showed up,” said the 16 year old.

About 110 people of all ages walked, physically distanced, singly or in small groups, and lined the sidewalk on the Orange Bridge. Rain had fallen most of the day but let up just before the event.

“People maintained social distance most of the time,” said Hunter one of the organizers of the event for the international youth group Fridays for Future. “It was a very safe event. It was a huge victory for us to get this many people, especially in the rain.”

Organizers said that the outdoor event with most people distanced and wearing masks was probably safer than being in an indoor classroom at school with no masks.

Hunter said the reason for the turnout is that people have not lost sight of climate change as an issue, even in a pandemic.

“People have gone long enough without any sort of climate action, it has been months and months, people are tired of it. Even with COVID, a lot of people see the climate is still a big issue and were happy to turn out.”

The event was one of the series of climate strikes that have taken place around the world for the past two years.

bill.metcalfe@nelsonstar.com Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter


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