Brian John Forrest

November 10, 2023
In loving memory ~
Brian John Forrest was born in North Vancouver, in 1942. He enjoyed science as a youngster, delighting in the use of a microscope that his father, Stewart, and his mother, Ethel, bought him for Christmas.
He planned on becoming on a doctor. However, he switched paths, and countries, by becoming a lawyer in the United States. Brian did eventually return to Canada. He made use of the Rocky Mountains, where he would bike ride and hike. He also enjoyed the public library, where he would often frequent the historical fiction section.
Brian was notable for his kindness, for his fairness towards others, and for his articulate voice, which would resonate deeply with those fortunate enough to hear Brian speak about important topics.
He passed away on November 10, 2023, and he will be well remembered by his son, Andrew, and his daughter-in-law, Lucy.

 McPherson Funeral Services

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