86-year-old poem still has meaning

This poem was printed in Nakusp’s Arrow Lakes News on 26 March, 1926.

This poem was printed in Nakusp’s Arrow Lakes News on 26 March, 1926.

Seems like a fairly contemporary point of view, even though it’s 86 years old!

Community Alphabet

A stands for  anywhere this may be seen.

B stands for Booster, you get what I mean?

C is the community we all love so well.

D is for discord we all seek to quell.

E stands for Everyone, true to his trust:

F is our future – to prosper or bust.

G is Goodwill that our city holds out.

H is for Homes, ours are good without doubt,

I is Industries – we want more and more;

J stands for “Jack” that they bring us galore.

K stands for Knockers, with them there’s no livin’,

L help to spell what they ought to be given.

M stands for Merchants who hold out some fine buys,

N is this Newspaper where they advertise:

O stands for Optimist – thanks for the rhyme;

P – yes, that’s Pessimist – you guessed it that time.

Q stands for Quibble – alas, some do o’er improvements,

R is the right way to put thru good movements.

S stands for Service we all owe to our town.

T – Trade at Home – you can’t keep a good poet down.

U stands for Unity in public concerns.

V is the Victory that Unity earns.

W is Welcome and that don’t mean maybe;

X means we’re stuck, no matter what the delay be.

Y is You. Pep up. Never say that you won’t :

Z is the Zero you’ll count if you don’t.


Arrow Lakes News