A letter to the minister of forests

A letter to the minister of forests

Editor, The Times:

Editor, The Times:

I am hoping that the citizens of Clearwater who are concerned about the timber supply in the North Thompson Valley being processed elsewhere will consider writing to the Minister of Forests for the province. Ask him to have it remain here in the valley where our friends can find work in the processing of it, after all it is our timber.


This is a copy of the letter I have sent to Minister Donaldson:

To: The Honorable Doug Donaldson

Dear Sir:

As a member of the small community of Clearwater, I ask you to assure us that the timber supply from Canfor’s Vavenby sawmill will remain in our area to benefit the people who live here.

I believe that it would be completely unjust for that timber to be trucked to another mill while the skilled workers who reside here and many of whom have worked at the Vavenby sawmill for many years would not benefit from the lumber produced.

It’s not just the workers who would be affected. The closure of this sawmill would have a profound effect on the whole community.

Yours sincerely,

Jean Nelson

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