A sense of community


There are still wonderful people in this world!


There are still wonderful people in this world!

The last Sunday in August, I had to visit a walk-in medical clinic, so I phoned for a taxi.

When we arrived – being 97 years young and blind – I asked where the front door was. The taxi driver pointed. I said “there”? He said “yes” and drove off. When I reached the door it was locked. With my white cane I walked to the back door. It too was locked.

I didn’t know what to do, when suddenly I had an idea. So I walked to the nearest restaurant with the intention of asking the girl if she’d phone for a taxi and I’d go home.

However, after I had told the receptionist my tale of woe, a gentleman in the restaurant hopped up from his table and, as he approached me, said, “May I help you?”

After listening to my story, he said, “Stay here. I’ll go to the clinic and see if I can get in.”

When he returned, he announced that the clinic door had a sign saying they’d moved and gave a new address.

Then the helpful gentleman said “I’ll drive you to the clinic,” and he and his wife drove me there and waited until I was safely in the doctors’ office.

Before they left, I managed to say “thank you.”

This was truly the work of a Good Samaritan. I would like to say thank you publicly. I’m sorry I don’t know the name of my helper but I shall never forget to remember him and his wife in my prayer.

Again, a grateful thank you.

Bess Rivett, White Rock

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On behalf of myself and the Canadian Cancer Society, I wish to thank all of those who supported Jean’s 80th Birthday Garden Party fundraiser last month.

The day was perfect, weather-wise, the number of people who attended and because of the support we received from friends, family and the community.

To date, we have raised more than $7,600 for Camp Good Times.

Without the support of all of you we could not have done this.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Jean MacPherson, volunteer, Canadian Cancer Society



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