Colin Mayes noted recently that the federal government extended the homelessness partnering strategy with a focus on housing first.
As he notes, this is a proven and positive step to address chronic homelessness and should be applauded.
But it is only a tiny, first step.
Affordable housing is much more than homelessness.
Many young working families cannot afford to purchase a home in the North Okanagan, which contributes to our lack of meaningful middle-income opportunities.
A lack of quality rental housing that can be a first step toward home ownership further contributes to making home ownership unaffordable for many Canadians.
Affordable housing tailored to citizens with physical and mental challenges is another area that governments in Canada have not addressed sufficiently.
A lack of affordable housing options for many older and frail seniors with limited income creates significant fear during the last years of their lives.
We need new ideas and new policies to address the housing needs of the North Okanagan-Shuswap.
The Liberal Party of Canada, at its biennial policy conference one year ago, recommended the development of a national affordable housing strategy.
This will require commitment by and collaboration among all levels of government in Canada.
Justin Trudeau has committed to restoring regular first ministers conferences, a necessary step toward achieving the commitment by and collaboration among all levels of government in Canada toward making housing more affordable for all Canadians.
It’s time for a change of government in Ottawa.
Doug McDonald
Policy Chair, Liberal Party
North Okanagan Shuswap