Allowing dogs at market a selling point

I enjoy seeing them, they add interest to the market.

Allowing dogs at market a selling point

Allowing dogs at market a selling point

I have been a regular user of the Duncan Market for many years. Never have I seen a problem with the dogs.

I enjoy seeing them, they add interest to the market. They also bring business because people who are on their way up island and want to stop cannot leave their dogs in the car, so if they are no longer allowed to bring them then those potential customers will not stop.

In Europe dogs are allowed in many stores, pubs, trains, buses etc. Even on the U.S. Blackball ferry dogs are allowed upstairs. Why in Canada do we get so uptight over dogs, they are our best friends. As to someone getting bitten, as Mr. Rusland, suggests, it is highly unlikely and could happen anywhere.

I ride a bike but do not stop riding because someone gets hit. Let us relax and enjoy our wonderful market with its great vendors, customers and dogs. We are so lucky to have it.

Susan Marshall


Cowichan Valley Citizen