Editor, The Times:
“If there weren’t any communists, we’d have to invent them.”
I remember hearing this many years ago. However, there were a lot of communists, many becoming increasingly disillusioned with the obvious. Failures of this “dictatorship of the proletariat” were too much to ignore.
And when the Berlin Wall was hammered and chiseled to the ground, well that was it. Free market capitalism had triumphed. Hoorah! Hoorah!
In the intervening years, however, this so-called triumph has indeed paled almost to the point of no return. Does anyone remember the great Wall Street US banking crash of 2007-08-09? Of course many of you don’t and a corrupt rightwing corporate media has made collective amnesia a part of this lack of memory of the abandonment of some six million houses, the cost in trillions to bail out US banking system and the fact that the US banksters got to keep the money, give themselves big bonuses, bought new corporate jets and the housing foreclosures went on.
Like the fact that the French rescued George Washington’s 1776 revolution, has this all been forgotten? Well, not quite. In the land of the free and brave, there’s been a remarkable resurgence of the left-well-centre left, actually. Bernie Sanders et al. After all, Americans had a front-row seat to Free Market Capitalism’s massive failures.
I recently bought an old transmitter radio. (They don’t make ’em like they used to) It brings in stations that my other radios can’t touch at night and from time to time I go alt-right Christian crackpot hunting — and I’m never disappointed.
On a good night’s reception there are at least four stations — Oh, that Donald Trump, he’s a man of God. He must be re-elected in 2020. Or a “communist government’ led by “Michelle Obama” will run the land into chaos and ruin — I’m not kidding here!
This and virulent hatred for all things Liberal. To them, there are reds under the beds, in the closets, or like the alien coming down through the ceiling.
That and a generous dose of praise the Lord.
Dennis Peacock,
Clearwater, B.C.
newsroom@clearwatertimes.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter