To the editor;
Once again my “fuse” has been lit by a “horror story” told to me from people that are being mistreated by the Firearms Registry.
This couple has never been in trouble with the law but now find themselves being treated like criminals.
Looking for some peace and quiet they recently moved and failed to send a change of address to the Firearms Registry, which once they were made aware of this “transgression” they quickly did so.
Since then they have been waiting for results but instead keep getting reminders and requests for them to re-register their long guns.
They have called, written, and mailed answers but last week received a final notice letter.
According to the wife, she was rather insulted by someone “suggesting” that she may be harmed by the man she has been married to for over thirty years. A man she says is the most gentle, caring man and is being “tormented” from all this grief they are getting; living in fear every time they see a police car in their area.
She said they didn’t know what else to do!
I found out he has a PAL so I told her to fax all the information once again to the Firearms Registry along with a letter “reminding” them that we are under a amnesty for long gun registry; which should cover re-registering as well.
She said it almost makes her “regret” ever registering in the first place!
People, we should not allow this to be happening to us!
Ordinary, honest Canadians are living in fear of their own government and the RCMP because of all the red tape and inefficient communications with the Firearms Registry office.
Does anyone understand all the Firearms Act?
I doubt it very much because I find many of our MP’s and RCMP really don’t. The quicker C-68 is gone the better!
Chris Gilmore
Logan Lake, B.C.