
Aquatic Centre procedure nit-picking

I don't understand why this process should be so nit-picking and demeaning.

Aquatic Centre procedure nit-picking

This morning I had an uncomfortable experience when attending the Cowichan Aquatic Centre that I would like to share with you and others.

I had registered to attend for my swim for 10 a.m. till 11 a.m. I arrived about seven minutes before 10 o’clock. I went to the registration desk and told them who I was. The lady at the desk checked the sheet and then told me to go back outside and wait until she called me. So I did. Then she came out two minutes later and told me I could come in.

By the time I had changed and got into the pool, it was five past 10, which meant I lost five minutes of my precious swim time. There was only one other person in the pool during the hour.

Now, I do understand that it important to help stop the spread of the COVID virus, but I don’t understand why this process should be so nit-picking and demeaning. Since the pool was virtually empty, what was the harm in allowing me to go and change a few minutes early? If this had happened prior to the pandemic, I probably would never go back to that facility again.

Mary Howard


Cowichan Valley Citizen