Attack on councillor appalling

I was shocked to read about the fire-bombing of Councillor Surinderpal Rathor’s home.


I was shocked to read about the fire-bombing of Councillor Surinderpal Rathor’s home.

It is a sad day in the community when a crime of this nature could take place.

The article in the Tribune of Jan. 29 states that “Police said they thought it was a deliberate attack.”

Obviously it was deliberate.

Shouldn’t the police have posted an officer in an unmarked vehicle after the first incident to watch for a black SUV, or any suspicious persons entering the area?

Maybe the second, more serious attack could have been prevented, or the persons responsible could have been apprehended when they returned to the scene an hour and a half later.

I cannot believe how much prejudice there is in this area. Put yourselves in the place of Surinderpal Rathor, who has just lost his only daughter, and then endures two attacks on his home that could have been fatal.

This after he has served the community, and helped people for almost 40 years.

I would like to know who committed this heinous crime.

I don’t believe that this incident was even on the CTV news.

This city has changed so much from the village that I grew up in, a wonderful place to work and raise a family, with only minor crime — a great community with traditional values.

My sincere condolences to Surinderpal Rathor and his family.

Michael Atwood

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune