Attention Forest Minister Donaldson

Attention Forest Minister Donaldson

To the editor;

To the editor;

I am thoroughly disgusted about the article, “Vavenby Closure Will Help Adams Lake Mill Stay Alive”, on page A15 of Kamloops This Week, July 19th edition. The article stated that Brad Bennett, Woodlands Manager with Interfor’s Adams Lake Division, asked for Salmon Arm Council’s support for the takeover of the Canfor timber rights in Clearwater.

Bennett pointed to an overall timber supply gap of about one million cubic metres. “Every logging truck has about 50 cubic metres on it, so it’s a pretty big supply gap. Our facility consumes about 1.1 million cubic metres or l00 logging trucks per day”. Check the math Mr. Bennett. I’d say you didn’t learn a thing in your three years of grade four!

Bennett says that with the additional timber supply from Canfor, “We become whole again”. Well, Mr. Bennett, I have the perfect solution for you. I propose that you purchase the Canfor timber supply and the sawmill in Vavenby. You can shut down your Adams Lake Sawmill and haul your timber supply to Vavenby. It’s a win-win situation. You have your timber supply plus you no longer have to dump logs in the lake and no longer have a sawmill on the banks of the headwater to the largest sockeye run in the world.

Jim Lamberton,

The Rambling Man

Clearwater, B. C.

Barriere Star Journal