

B.C. power priorities misplaced, reader writes

Money earmarked for Site C Dam could go into more sustainable energy projects

Putting in context all the anguish and hand-wringing over the $600 million cancellation costs for the Site C dam mega-project (which is now underway), our B.C. government had no problem spending $700 million on re-roofing B.C. Place sports stadium. No discussion, no public input, just a ‘bragging rights’ retractable roof to help a developer attract traffic to his nearby casino.

The remaining $6 billion yet to be spent on Site C would be far better invested in state-of-the-art alternative power generating projects such as solar, wind, or tidal power production. No destruction of irreplaceable farmland, no displacement of downstream residents.

Hopefully an NDP-Green alliance government can bring some common sense to future power production in B.C.

J.W. Thomson


Saanich News