Banking on emergency measures

Humans in shock herd like the very cows of your analogy: a cattle-prod to the human mind, as it were.

Cody Young, you missed Mark Walker’s important point: bad people are still using “emergencies” to enslave us. If our esteemed publisher “conveniently skips over” anything, it’s 9/11 in New York and the 7/7 subway-bombings in London. These two glaring “emergencies” worked like a charm. Clearly, humans in shock herd like the very cows of your analogy: a cattle-prod to the human mind, as it were. (See: The Shock Doctrine, a best-seller by Naomi Klein.)

How about WMD? Crimes against humanity, some say. Yet, Dubya still walks free; Tony Blair, his fiendish accomplice, has been promoted from PM of the UK to senior-advisor at JP Morgan-Chase. But North Korea? This one’s a serious “emergency” some say. Watch out freedom; and beware the fortunate-son.

Good people agree the repeal of Glass-Steagall was a great liberation for all those CEOs, hedge funds and corporations that profited from the credit crisis. Faith-based lobbyists and security firms did well, also. Indeed, unbridled capitalism has become like stampeding cows.

What’s worse, the same high-financiers who are rustling the personal accounts of Cypriots have direct access to yours and mine. They gather to graze with Bono and Angelina at various G8-G20 summits, Davos, Bilderberg Group meetings, etc. These elite insiders are eyeing our account details, even as we speak, but only for the greater, collectivist good, of course.

Then, there was the “Earth Summit” in Rio, 1992, where Al Gore and David Suzuki first started dating. (See: “Agenda 21”; it’s the globalist nightmare vision for the 21st century.) Smart grid, smart growth, sustainable development: all a function of collectivism, plain and simple. It includes everything but you and me.

Iceland’s President Ragnar Grímursson says it’s a crisis of democracy, not currency. If it weren’t for the EU, Cyprus and the rest would be free to follow the example of Iceland’s heroic tale. Therein, Icelanders put it to a national referendum, and the people said: banks be damned. This in the face of erupting volcanoes and EU politicians and IMF bigwigs threatening to destroy the tiny nation if its citizens didn’t bail out the bankers. The banks were allowed to fail; the fraudsters went to jail. It wasn’t easy, but debt-slavery was averted, and now there is hope for us all. Look to Iceland, oh freedom-loving Canada.

The latest Conservative budget, the Economic Action Plan 2013, does suggest a “bail-in regime” that could include consumer-deposits “in the unlikely event that a systemically important bank depletes its capital…” The finance minister refused to clarify precisely what liabilities would be covered by depositors. However, anyone with a nose will recognize the same stockyard gases drifting across from the EU. Cow and bull smell the same.

And how about Mark Carney? He was a soldier for Goldman-Sachs on the frontlines of Russia’s 1998 financial collapse, before his time with the Bank of Canada. Now he moves on to the Bank of England, yes, but once Goldman-Sachs, always Goldman-Sachs, some say.

Bail-in, bail-out; bail-in, bail-out: just what is going on? And when will our esteemed editor allow usage of the popular pejorative contraction: bankster?

Geoff Burton





Penticton Western News