To the District of Barriere;
I would like to thank you for participating in the very first competition of the Smart Cities Challenge. You stepped up to Challenge and put forward your bold ideas for the world to see. Your participation reveals your community’s commitment to innovation and providing results for residents.
While our Jury and my entire team are truly grateful and impressed with the level of hard work and dedication that was put into the development of your application, I regret to inform you that your application was not selected as a finalist in this competition.
Through your participation in the Challenge, you have placed your community on the map as a progressive and innovative leader.
Details about your application remain visible on our website’s interactive map, and it is possible that organizations or potential partners, including private sector companies or other like-minded communities may contact your community to explore ways to advance the work you have begun.
We are hopeful that the momentum created with your residents through engagement in support of the development of your Smart Cities Challenge application will continue and that relationships will grow and bear fruit.
Two more competitions of the Challenge are planned so as you stay tuned for details around timing and design, please accept our heartfelt compliments to you and everyone who took part in your application process.
Sincere thanks for your participation,
Gerard Peets and the Smart Cities Challenge Team
More than 200 communities from across Canada responded to the Smart Cities Challenge, submitting innovative ideas that have the potential to improve their communities. Twenty finalists have been chosen, with the four winners to be announced in spring 2019.