Be careful what you wish for

Be careful what you wish for

Writer has so more examples from other countries to argue against proportional representation.


Further to Madeline Thon’s excellent evaluation of the dubious virtues of proportional representation (‘Proportional representation – learn from other countries’ mistakes’ published July 27), to her examples of B.C. and Israel, I’d add Germany and the Netherlands. Under PR, they were unable to form a government for months, and after they finally did, there is general dissatisfaction with the results.

Those who equate PR with “our democracy” have it (deliberately) backwards: Democracy is nothing more than a rule of the majority. PR is a misrule of squabbling single-issue, regional, ideological minorities.

The present B.C. government is a simplified example of this: A tiny minority of eco-zealots reluctantly prop a larger minority of socialist “progressives.” It’s an unholly alliance. But democracy it is not.

As they say, be careful what you wish for, etc.

Jerry Mencl


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