
Beefs and Bouquets for April 7

To submit a beef or a bouquet, email

BEEF: To the drivers out there who think it is OK to tailgate vehicles that clearly have a red and white ‘L’ displayed. These magnets indicate that there is a learning driver at the wheel.

These new drivers are instructed to maintain the speed limit, to the point where if they go above the posted limit during their road test, they will fail. Try to have a little patience if you see an ‘L’ on a car doing the speed limit. Your incessant need to tailgate (and ramp up the driver’s anxiety) is not necessary.

BOUQUET: To Jim in the 3100-block of Metchosin Road, for his tireless efforts during our last dump of snow. Now, Jim is no spring chicken, yet I was amazed to see him – after finishing shovelling his long driveway – across the street from his home shovelling the BC Transit bus stop! Another amazing Colwood resident looking out for other Colwood residents!

BEEF: To the people who walk their group of dogs in Hatley park cemetery early in the morning. Have some respect, this is not an off leash dog park for your four or five dogs to run freely out of control.

You are ruining it for everyone else who are respectful and have their dogs on leashes and pick up after them. There are signs clearly stating, “Dogs must be on leash at all times.”

BOUQUET: A big bouquet of daisies to Royal Bay for hosting the Easter Bunny individual hunt this weekend. What a wonderful idea and we so enjoyed it!

BOUQUET: A bouquet to the food trucks located at Esquimalt Lagoon. I found the safety measure taken were extremely well maintained and gave the opportunity for families to get outdoors and still have some fun during the Pandemic,

BEEF: What was with all the non essential travellers we saw this weekend. It’s getting really bad for cases on the Island. I think it is time to shut the Island off to travellers at least until we get the cases under control!

BOUQUET: Thank you to all our local restaurants that are doing their best to stay a float during these tough times. It’s very hard for me to see all the shoppers at Costco and yet we can’t go inside a local dining facility.

Stay strong and to the community don’t forget patios are open and there are a lot of gift card options. Support not only local restaurants… but all our local shops!

BOUQUET: To the lady in the line up of Tim Hortons on Goldstream Avenue on Saturday, April 3. It was around 11:30ish and you were driving the small bright blue KIA. Thank you for buying our coffees. It’s hard to believe but that made our whole day!

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the mailbox at the Gazette office. We reserve the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs deemed to be libellous or mean-spirited. Please limit submissions to 150 words.

Goldstream News Gazette