
Beefs and Bouquets for May 12

To submit a beef or a bouquet, email

BEEF: I can be silent no longer. The recreational pursuit of walking/running is now made into a dangerous pastime by motorist and cyclists. Everyday motorists gun it through the crosswalks to gain that precious two seconds of time at the expense of nearly running somebody over. People blow their horns or give the finger if inconvenienced by walkers crossing the street or in their way on a bicycle lane. I was running south of Phipps Road when a turquoise car hit my elbow with his mirror. Why? There was lots of room, no car beside you, the bus behind you didn’t come close to me. I turned around to get your plate, but you took off like a rocket. And cyclists, why do you yell for runners to get out of your way when you’re flying down the Galloping Goose? I walk or run down the centre to avoid injury of prolonged exercise on the slope. You yell at me to get out of your way then take my place in the centre. What’s the difference? Try slowing down, there are families that like to walk the Goose. Motorists, cyclists, please slow down.

BOUQUET: Floyds Diner rocked it for Mother’s Day, great service and amazing food!

Get out and support those restaurants.

BEEF & BOUQUET: A beef to the convenience store that chose to argue with a 70-year-old woman over a mix up on the car wash code. The intent was not to deceive the employee but to find out why the code was not working. The back and forth was not necessary and happened in front of other customers which was uncomfortable for everyone.

A bouquet to the lady behind the counter who had it figured out right away. The explanation was simple.

BOUQUET: This bouquet goes out to the Hatley Memorial Gardens, we live close by so it has been a very nice place to walk and see the neighbors at a comfortable distance. We enjoy seeing their four-legged friends too and giving them treats if they are good. And to the groundskeepers who keep the gardens looking so beautiful and they are always pleasant to talk to, nice job guys! During this Covid time, the HMG has been so nice to have a beautiful place to walk that’s is so close to home, thank you for letting us stroll through your beautiful gardens.

BOUQUET: Big bouquet to the broom busters cleaning up Willing Park. It looks great after so many months of dedicated work! Thanks!

BEEF: To the woman who rained rocks over the foot fence along the Galloping Goose at two 15-year-old boys. They were on a public path GeoCaching and told you as much when you yelled at them. There is so little for teens to do right now with COVID-19 that a bike ride on a sunny day is a good option. That is, until they were unfairly harassed and assaulted. You could have hurt them if the rocks had connected. Grow up, give the people on the path some respect, and keep the rocks on your side of the fence.

BOUQUET: A big bouquet to the couple walking their dog on Galloping Goose heading towards Luxton from Metchosin. I saw you picking up a few poop bags that had been thrown in the grass and putting them in a garbage bag. It appeared they did not belong to your dog but as you went along you grabbed them and even picked up some litter. Thank you. It is too bad that dog owners are not taking their own poop home.

BOUQUET: Thank you to Sizzling Tandoor for your tasty food. We decided to order online for the first time in a long time and chose your local restaurant. Wow, the best Indian food I have had and it felt good to get back into a once a week routine where we generally ate out. So even though we ate at home it was a big tasty treat for us and we will continue to support a local restaurant once per week.

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the Gazette office mailbox. We reserve the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs deemed to be libellous or mean-spirited. Please limit submissions to 150 words.

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