
Beefs and Bouquets for May 5

To submit a beef or a bouquet, email

BOUQUET: A bouquet of roses to all the local restaurants and locally owned small businesses who have supported our community continuously in the past as well as our local sports teams. A bouquet for all you have done and now it’s time for us to step up and support you. My family and I will continue to support local and do as much take-out and pick-up as possible.

BEEF: To the drivers who tailgate vehicles that clearly have a red and white L displayed. These Ls indicate that there is a learning driver at the wheel. Try to have a little patience if you see an L on a car doing the speed limit. Your incessant need to tailgate (and ramp up the driver’s anxiety) is not necessary.

BOUQUET: To Wendy and Sarah for coming to my rescue. I was involved in a hit and run accident on April 26, rear-ended when stopped at a red light. The driver took off, I did not get his license plate number. Out of nowhere, Wendy and Sarah appeared and said we have pictures and the vehicle’s plate number; we will be your witnesses, here are our phone numbers. I was overwhelmed with how helpful and concerned for my welfare, these two angels were. They took there time to catch up to me and give me all the information I needed. There are truly good people in this world and we have two right here in Colwood.

BEEF: To all the NASCAR drivers that are on the road between the roundabout and Sooke Road on Glen Lake Road. We live on this road. Yes we chose to buy a home on this road before it became a race track. We walk our dogs on this road, our children walk home from school on this road. There are walkers and runners. Can you not slow down and do the 50 km/h speed limit? Furthermore, could the motorcyclist not blast their music so loud that we can hear it in the backyard? Have some respect for the people living on this road and a little less “all about me” thinking.

BEEF/BOUQUET: To the irresponsible people who partied in the Royal Roads forest, shame on you for having a fire in the middle of this precious old growth forest and leaving all your liquor bottles, broken glass, beer cans, pizza boxes and other garbage strewn about. A bouquet to the hikers who cleaned up your mess.

BEEF: A big beef to the driver that pushed me off to the side of the ditch as he was passing a vehicle on Metchosin Road on a solid line on Saturday, April 24. You know who you are … blue Hyundai!

BOUQUET: A shout out to our pharmacies doing vaccines. I found it very comfortable, fast and efficient. Thank you for your kindness during these difficult times.

BOUQUET: To the man in the white work truck, I think a Ford on Friday morning at the Tim Horton’s on Goldstream Avenue. You bought my coffee and it made my weekend!

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the Gazette office mailbox. We reserve the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs deemed to be libellous or mean-spirited. Please limit submissions to 150 words.

Goldstream News Gazette