
Beefs and Bouquets, March 24

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BOUQUET: A bouquet for a beef that has now been repeated twice. We feel your pain and offer you our sympathies about the traffic situation on Rocky Point Road in front of Hans Helgeson Elementary School. We are as upset as you about having to block traffic in order to pick up our children, but we really have no choice. You suggest that we pull over to let traffic pass, but there is literally nowhere to pull over that doesn’t put us in a ditch. The parking lot is not adequate and neither is the bus service. If SD62 and the municipality of Metchosin ever get their acts together about this we may have a solution, but so far they are not willing to consider any of the options that parents have pleaded for. Sorry you were late for your appointment, but the safety of our children is more important.

BOUQUET: Thank you to all the nurses and staff at the COVID clinic at the EagleRidge Arena last week. We were there on two different days due to age differences and there were no lineups, no waiting. Everything went so smoothly from the time we arrived there to the time we left. It seems everyone kept to their time schedules and everyone was so cheerful. Such a positive experience.

BOUQUET: To the Colwood fire department for helping with cable and phone lines that were accidentally pulled down on our cul de sac. Firefighters arrived within 30 minutes of the incident happening, held the wires away from the truck so the driver could carry on with his day. Thank you for your excellent service!

BOUQUET: A warm and fuzzy bouquet of daisies for all our furry, feathered and scaly friends. They are always there for us no matter what, unlike their human counterparts who betray our friendships, doubt our truths, question our integrity, constantly let us down and turn their backs on us. Our animal friends will always greet us like we’ve been away for months. The only time they turn their backs on us is when they are chasing a ball and the crazier you act the more fun they have. Us humans could learn a lot from them!

BEEF: To the gentleman in the parking lot of Real Canadian Superstore on Friday, You took your mask and your kids mask off and threw them in the parking lot before getting in your car. I don’t understand why people to not toss their used masks into the garbage. I am seeing more and more masks littered throughout parking lots and on trails and sidewalks. It’s getting really bad.

BOUQUET: A BIG Bouquet to all the kids on spring break. This time last year we saw our kids go out on spring break to not returning to the classroom. I think all the kids and teachers have done a great job getting back to school and working hard. Enjoy your spring break, you deserve it!

BOUQUET: To the residents of Metchosin working on the old schoolhouse. It is looking so good and I am extremely happy to see how it is being refurbished. Thank you to the volunteers and all the trades helping to get the schoolhouse back to shape!

BOUQUET: My family and I visited the new park in Royal Bay the other day and they loved it! Thanks Colwood for bringing these amenities to the community. This is a great addition and my kids loved it!

BEEF: All I can say is WOW. I live in Sooke but work in the West Shore. I can’t believe the number of trees that have been removed along Sooke road. It is a sad sight. I know that we needed the highway improvements, but it is just so sad to see the number of trees that had to come down to make this happen. It feels like I am driving down a completely different road.

BOUQUET: A big bouquet of roses to my neighbour who brought me over some casserole dishes to last me the week. I had to get surgery and I am really not into cooking and they arrived bright and early yesterday to deliver seven pre-made dishes. You know who you are and I cannot thank you enough!

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the mailbox at the Gazette office. We reserve the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs deemed to be libellous or mean-spirited. Please limit submissions to 150 words.


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