

Beefs and Bouquets, Nov. 4

To submit a beef or a bouquet, email

BEEF: To the young mothers that take their children to the library during the ‘senior’s’ hour then take a long time to finish. It leaves us seniors standing in line with nowhere to sit.

BOUQUET: A bundle of fresh flowers to Langford fire rescue for their drive-thru Halloween experience for the kids at Westshore Town Centre.

BOUQUET: To the poppy campaign that the Langford Legion launched on Friday! Hope everyone supported the Legion and wore their poppies with pride!

BEEF: To drivers on the Malahat driving with no lights on. It’s that time of year … Turn your lights on!

BOUQUET: I would like to extend a bouquet to all the motorists that kindly stop for me when I was attempting to clear the road of my spilled bag of empty bottles. It was on Thursday, Oct. 28 at around 8:30 a.m. They kindly stopped in both directions so I could pick up the bottles and get across the street safely.

BEEF: To the person who toots their horn going down Pickford Road at 6 in the morning. Not everybody is up.

BEEF: To my fellow morning drivers: even if it is not raining, it’s dark now. Please, turn your headlights on in the morning! There were six of you, mostly in grey vehicles, driving ahead of me in the pouring rain without running lights or headlights around 2 p.m. the other day. Please be safe.

BOUQUET: Thank you to the lovely staff at the Dollarama in Westshore Town Centre who answered several telephone questions from a mom trying to make a last-minute costume for her child. Keep up the kindness in the face of the busyness. Thank you!

BOUQUET: My Name is Gunter and a couple weeks ago I wanted to mail a letter. I went into the Fairway Markets in Westshore Town Centre where there was a long lineup. I’m handicapped and can’t stand for long periods of time. I asked the produce person if I could sit on some boxes that were there and he kindly said yes.

Then to my surprise, he brought over a chair for me to sit on. Shortly after the produce person brought me the chair a very kind man with a young child came and asked me if I was just looking at mailing a letter, to which I responded yes. He said, ‘Give it to me, I’ll mail it for you.’ When I went to give him money for the postage he said, ‘don’t worry about it, my treat!’ That was so nice of him, what a nice person. I just wanted to thank so much the produce worker, and the young man who mailed my letter!

BOUQUET: A big thank you to Sam and Justin from Langford Fire Rescue who came and helped us when my husband fell in our home. They were very professional, kind and thoughtful. Very much appreciated, thank you!!

BOUQUET: A big, big bouquet to the house in Colwood that built the most amazing Spiderman chute for the kids to collect their treats. It was such a great night and we appreciated all the homes that came up with unique ideas to get the treats safely to the kids.

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

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